Sunday, November 11, 2012

Unit Plan

Subject/Content Area:  English, Persuasive Writing Unit
Course:  English 3 College Prep, Per. 3
Grade Level:  11th Grade    
Length of Unit:  5 Days


Number of Students in Class: 43
Demographic Information: The class is made up of 30 Caucasian students, 10 Latino students, and 3 Asian students.  There are 22 males and 21 females.  The class is made up of 8 RFEP students, 2 IEP students, and 1 504 student.
Developmental Needs:  Students are eager to learn and listen to instructions.  They are a mix of visual and auditory learners with a few kinesthetic learners.  The students have a variety of interests ranging from skateboarding, cheerleading, drawing, writing, and various sports.

Individual Student Information and Differentiation Strategies

English Language Learners
Student A—Student A is a 16 year old advanced English learner.  He has been in the school district since 7th grade.  He was re-designated as RFEP in 10th grade.  He had a rough 9th grade year due family issues at home and went to the continuation high school for his 10th grade year where he could make up missed work.  He is well liked in the class and a team player.  When meeting new students, he introduces himself and shakes each student’s hand.  Student A needs minor differentiation and sits in the front of the class to make it easier for him to take notes.  His grades this year indicate above average to excellent grades.

Student B—Student B is a 16 year old 11th grader and an English learner.  Both her parents are working professionals and she is originally from Mexico, living in the US for about a year and half.  She visits her grandparents every summer in Mexico.  Student B is a kind, sweet, somewhat socially shy girl that is well-liked among her peers.  She works well in small groups.  She is literate in Spanish and enjoys reading Spanish literature.  Her grades in Mexico indicate above average scores.  Student B is given Spanish-English, English-Spanish dictionary to help her translate words she doesn’t know.  Work group work, she is paired with at least on other Spanish speaker to help her translate her ideas.  During group work, progress monitoring would be the teacher walking around and listening in on the ideas they offer and commenting, offering suggestions as needed.

Student C—Student C is a 16 year old 11th grader and a re-designated English learner.  He is in Avid and has been since 9th grade.   He is taking two honors classes, chemistry and geometry.  He plans on taking an AP class next year.  He requires no differentiation and is a go to for assisting other students who may require extra assistance.

Students with Special Needs
Student D—Student D is a 16 year old 11th grader and has an IEP.  He reads at grade level with 80% accuracy.  He is allotted more time on tests at the testing center at his discretion.  He rarely uses this opportunity.  He is also given prime sitting in the front of the classroom to allow him an ideal vantage point of the board.  Student D enjoys skateboarding and reading sports magazines. He also has a girlfriend that he likes to spend time with and helps him study at times.  He has trouble maintaining passing grades in English and math classes.  He is currently failing the course due to a poor unit test grade and missing work.  Student D sits in the front of the class to make it easier for him to take notes.  He works well in groups and is more likely to offer his opinions in the groups.  Progress monitoring during group work is the same as Student B, teacher walks around and listens while students discuss.  Student D also does exceptionally well on vocabulary tests.

Student E—Student E is a 16 year old 11th grader and has an IEP, as well as has been re-designated RFEP.  He is quiet and tends to keep to himself rather than interact with other students.  He likes punk music. He does well in small groups.  Student E sits close to the front of the board to allow him to better see.  He is allotted to take major tests at the testing center at his discretion.  He has yet to take a test at the testing center.  His grades for the semester have been average.  Detailed notes, such as grammar, are printed out for him.   

This unit is designed to address student needs in improving their writing skills and address requirements for the SAT test.  The unit seeks implement skills and rules that will guide students into bettering their writing and attain a higher score on the SAT’s as well as give them valuable tools to increasing their success in university.
Enduring Understanding
The main goal for students is to understand how to write a persuasive essay.  The main parts of the essay are broken into groups to ease understanding of the essay and make writing a step by step process.  Since the implementation of a writing section on the SAT’s, this unit is designed to assist students in creating an essay that is laid out in a logical manner that addresses the student’s point of view as well as politely addressing those of the opposition.
Essential Questions
How can students’ best write a persuasive essay?  How can students’ share their ideas politely without insulting the opposition or becoming angry?  How can students address the opposition to their arguments in polite manner?  Why is it important for them to be able to address the opposition?

After students follow the steps for writing a persuasive essay, they will be able to write a coherent, organized essay that helps them be better prepared for the SAT’s  and college.
Students will be evaluated two different ways.  They will have their anticipating the opposition paragraphs peer-reviewed as well as the full the essay peer-reviewed later in the week.  They will turn in a final draft of the essay which I will grade based on a rubric they have been given.

Each day has a different assessment planned.
Day 1:
Name of Assessment: ATO Assessment
Formality: Informal
Type:  Formative
Purpose:  To check for understanding of ATO concept
Implementation Method:  progress monitoring, teacher walks around and monitors student progress and understanding.
Communication of Expectations:  Sample is shown during power point slide of a sample ATO.

Day 2: 
Name of Assessment: ATO Peer-Review
Formality:  Informal
Type:  Formative
Purpose:  To allow students to see other student’s ATO’s and compare how well they did compared to their peers.
Implementation Method:  Students are given numbers to write instead of their names on their papers to keep completely anonymous.  Papers are collected and then passed back.  Students are graded on a specific rubric and must give three reasons using the rubric why they gave the paper that score.

Day 3: 
Name of Assessment: Body Paragraph Monitoring
Formality:  Informal
Type: Formative-Progress Monitoring
Purpose:  To allow students to write their body paragraphs in class and ask questions of the teacher if they have any.
Implementation Method:  Teacher walks around while students write and monitors their work.  They ask questions if they need help and the teacher checks how well they understand the assignment by checking their writing.

Day 5:
Name of Assessment:  Final Essay Peer-Review
Formality:  Informal
Type:  Peer-Review
Purpose:  Students are given the opportunity to peer-review their classmates and compare their own writing to see what they did well and what they need to work on.
Implementation Method: Students are given numbers to write instead of their names on their papers to keep completely anonymous.  Papers are collected and then passed back.  Students are graded on a specific rubric and must give three reasons using the rubric why they gave the paper that score.  Students have the option of having the teacher score the paper if they don’t like the score students gave them.
Communication of Expectations:

Day 5:
Name of Assessment:  Peer-review grading
Formality:  Formal
Type:  Summative
Purpose:  Students are graded on how the peer-review and follow the direction that were stated in the beginning of the assignment.
Implementation Method:  Students are graded based on how well they follow directions at the beginning of the peer-review assignment.

Day 1:
Cognitive: After picking a controversial topic, students will write a “T” chart that organizes their ideas and opponents ideas in an easily understandable graphic organizer. 
Cognitive:  After looking at their graphic organizer, students will write an ATO that states the oppositions points in a respectful and polite manner.
Writing Standards, 11-12 Grade, Text Types and Purposes:
1. Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.
a. Introduce precise, knowledgeable claim(s), establish the significance of the claim(s), distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and create an organization that logically sequences claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence.
Student Activities—
Pick a controversial issue and create a “T” chart with three points for your view and three points opposing your view.  Students write their thesis statements.  Students write their ATO’s, anticipating the opposition, paragraphs based on the three opposing points from their “T” charts.  They are given a form to follow.
Formative: monitor informally by going around while the students write their thesis statements and monitor informally by going around while students write their ATO’s.  Finish ATO’s for homework if they don’t finish in class.

Lesson Plans
Instructional Strategies
A.   Anticipatory Set/Into—Teacher uses a power point with slides to show the directions for the assignment and projects them on the board.  The power point goes into detail what an ATO is, it’s purpose, and examples of an ATO.  Students are shown how to make a graphic organizer to write down their thoughts.  They are then given directions on what to do next.  Step 1: write down a controversial topic (no abortion, death penalty, gay rights, legalization of drugs).  Step 2: create a “T”-chart with three supporting ideas on the left side and three opposing ideas on the other side.  Step 3: circle the two ideas that are most different on the left-hand side.  Step 4: write a thesis statement reiterating the student’s viewpoint.  Step 5: student’s write a ATO using the three opposing ideas on the right hand side using a format shown in the power point slide.  (15 min)
B.   Instruction/Through—Teacher instructs the students to begin with step 1: write down a controversial topic, followed by step 2: create a “T”-chart with three supporting ideas and 3 opposing ideas on opposite sides, and then to circle the two ideas that are most different. (5min)
C.   Guided Practice/Through—Teacher instructs students to write their thesis statement and share the statement with a neighbor.  (5 min)
D.   Independent Practice/Through—Teacher then instructs students to begin writing their ATO’s using the format in the power point slide.  They work quietly while working.  (15 min)
E.   Closure—Teacher asks students to write their number and not their name on the top right corner and hand in their ATO’s.  They will be peer-reviewed the next day.
Student Activities
A.   Anticipatory Set/Into—Students follow along as the teacher uses a power point with slides to show the directions for the assignment and projects them on the board.  The power point goes into detail what an ATO is, it’s purpose, and examples of an ATO.  Students are shown how to make a graphic organizer to write down their thoughts.  They are then given directions on what to do next.  Step 1: write down a controversial topic (no abortion, death penalty, gay rights, legalization of drugs).  Step 2: create a “T”-chart with three supporting ideas on the left side and three opposing ideas on the other side.  Step 3: circle the two ideas that are most different on the left-hand side.  Step 4: write a thesis statement reiterating the student’s viewpoint.  Step 5: student’s write a ATO using the three opposing ideas on the right hand side using a format shown in the power point slide.  (15 min)
B.   Instruction/Through—Students begin with step 1: write down a controversial topic, followed by step 2: create a “T”-chart with three supporting ideas and 3 opposing ideas on opposite sides, and then to circle the two ideas that are most different. (5min)
C.   Guided Practice/Through—Students write their thesis statement and share the statement with a neighbor.  (5 min)
D.   Independent Practice/Through—Students begin writing their ATO’s using the format in the power point slide.  They work quietly while working.  (15 min)
E.   Closure—Students write their number and not their name on the top right corner and hand in their ATO’s.  They will be peer-reviewed the next day

Day 2
Cognitive:  After writing their ATO, students will peer-review a classmates ATO to provide better understanding of their own work.
Writing Standards, 11-12 Grade, Production and Distribution of Writing:
5. Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience.
Student Activities—
Peer-review of students ATO’s in class.  Students exchange their ATO’s with two students in the class and follow a rubric that has been provided.  They must list three examples using the rubric in complete sentences to justify their score.
Formative and Summative:  Teacher walks around and observes what comments the students are writing on the essays.  Students are graded on how they peer-review.
Lesson Plan
Instructional strategies
A.   Anticipatory Set/Into—Teacher displays a power point presentation detailing the directions for the assignment on the white board.  They are also given a rubric to use while peer-reviewing.  Grade sheets are placed at the front of the room. The grade sheet is broken into quadrants.  The top left quadrant includes a space to fill out the period number of the author as well as the author’s writing number on the left hand side.  The top right quadrant includes a place for the reviewer to fill in their own period number and writing number.  The bottom left quadrant is where reviewers write three points from the rubric that proves the score the reviewer’s score.  The bottom right quadrant is where the reviewer writes a note to the author explaining what they have done well and what they need to improve on.  Teacher instructs the students to pick up a grade sheet and a student’s paper that is not theirs or a friend’s to grade.  Step 1: Write the author's writing number and reviewer’s writing number in the appropriate spaces.  Step 2:  Read the paper, underline the thesis statement, and make sure the ATO follows the guidelines of the previous days template.  Step 3: Using the rubric, score the paper.  Write three reasons using the rubric why the paper received that score.  Step 4:  Write a note to the author explaining what they did well and what they need to work on.  Step 5:  Stand up, wait for another student to stand-up, and switch papers with them.  Step 6: Repeat the process one more time with the new paper. 
B.   Instruction/Through—Teacher goes through all the directions with the students to insure they understand the directions. 
C.   Guided practice/Through— Teacher instructs the students to make sure that they are polite when leaving comments and to not leave any comments such as “bad writing” or “your handwriting sucks”.
D.   Independent Practice/Through—Teacher instructs students to come up and pick up a grade sheet and a paper.  Using the rubric, they begin peer-grading their classmates ATO’s.  All students switch papers once so they each grade two papers and each paper has two grades.
E.   Closure—The teacher collects the papers and grades the ATO’s using the peer-grades.  If the two grades are one away from each other, the two numbers are added together and averaged.  Ten points is added to the averaged number and that’s the score the student receives on their ATO.
Student Activities
A.   Anticipatory Set/Into—Students listen and follow along as the teacher displays a power point presentation detailing the directions for the assignment on the white board.  They are also given a rubric to use while peer-reviewing.  Grade sheets are placed at the front of the room. The grade sheet is broken into quadrants.  The top left quadrant includes a space to fill out the period number of the author as well as the author’s writing number on the left hand side.  The top right quadrant includes a place for the reviewer to fill in their own period number and writing number.  The bottom left quadrant is where reviewers write three points from the rubric that proves the score the reviewer’s score.  The bottom right quadrant is where the reviewer writes a note to the author explaining what they have done well and what they need to improve on.  Teacher instructs the students to pick up a grade sheet and a student’s paper that is not theirs or a friend’s to grade.  Step 1: Write the author's writing number and reviewer’s writing number in the appropriate spaces.  Step 2:  Read the paper, underline the thesis statement, and make sure the ATO follows the guidelines of the previous days template.  Step 3: Using the rubric, score the paper.  Write three reasons using the rubric why the paper received that score.  Step 4:  Write a note to the author explaining what they did well and what they need to work on.  Step 5:  Stand up, wait for another student to stand-up, and switch papers with them.  Step 6: Repeat the process one more time with the new paper. 
B.   Instruction/Through—Students follow along as the teacher goes through all the directions with the students to insure they understand. 
C.   Guided practice/Through—Students listen as the teacher instructs the students to make sure that they are polite when leaving comments and to not leave any comments such as “bad writing” or “your handwriting sucks”.
D.   Independent Practice/Through—Students begin to come up and pick up a grade sheet and a paper as instructed by their teacher.  Using the rubric, they begin peer-grading their classmates ATO’s.  All students switch papers once so they each grade two papers and each paper has two grades.
Closure—Students pass in the papers and the teacher grades the ATO’s using the peer-grades.  If the two grades are one away from each other, the two numbers are added together and averaged.  Ten points is added to the averaged number and that’s the score the student receives on their ATO.

Day 3:
Cognitive:  After using the same graphic organizer they created earlier in the week; students will write their two body paragraphs that state their views on their topic. Cognitive:  After completing these statement, body paragraphs, and ATO, students will write a conclusion that reiterates their points and neatly ends their persuasive essay.
Writing Standards, 11-12 Grade, Text Types and Purposes:
 1.  Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.
b.  Develop claim(s) and counterclaims fairly and thoroughly, supplying the most relevant evidence for each while pointing out the strengths and limitations of both in a manner that anticipates the audience’s knowledge level, concerns, values, and possible biases.
e. Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending to the norms and conventions of the discipline in which they are writing.
f. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the argument presented.
Student Activities—
Write the two body paragraphs for their essay.  Students are asked to write a one or two sentence intro that includes their thesis statement as well.  Students are asked to write a conclusion following set criteria.  A power point with tips for writing both an intro and conclusion is displayed to the students.  Students are asked to make corrections to their ATO’s and type up a complete essay to turn in next class.
Formative:  progress monitoring by the teacher as they walk around while students are working.
Lesson Plan
Instructional strategies
A.   Anticipatory Set/Into—The teacher passes back the student’s peer-reviewed ATO’s from the previous day.  The teacher displays the directions for the assignment on the whiteboard using a power point presentation.  Step 1: review the comments left by the two reviewers.  Step 2: On a new sheet of paper, write two goals based on the comments on the top of the paper.  Step 3:  Using the same topic as the ATO, write a brief 2 sentence introduction plus a thesis statement.  Step 4:  Write two body paragraphs from the graphic organizer from the previous assignment.  Step 5: write a conclusion that answers the question “so what?”.  Step 6:  Take home the essay and type it up at home, check for spelling and grammatical errors.
B.   Instruction/Through—The teacher goes through all the directions and asks students if they have any questions.  They also instruct the students if they have an issue with the score they received from their peer-reviewers to see the teacher and they will grade it.
C.   Guided practice/Through—The teacher shows a few sample body paragraphs to show students what is expected of them and what they are aiming for.
D.   Independent Practice/Through—Teacher instructs students to begin working on their essays.  They start with their brief introduction, moving on to the two body paragraphs, and ending with the “so what?” conclusion.
E.   Closure—Teacher instructs students to take home what they have on their essays and to finish writing them at home.  They are asked to please type them up.  They are due the next class period.
Student Activities
A.   Anticipatory Set/Into—Students listen and follow along as the teacher passes back the student’s peer-reviewed ATO’s from the previous day.  The teacher displays the directions for the assignment on the whiteboard using a power point presentation.  Step 1: review the comments left by the two reviewers.  Step 2: On a new sheet of paper, write two goals based on the comments on the top of the paper.  Step 3:  Using the same topic as the ATO, write a brief 2 sentence introduction plus a thesis statement.  Step 4:  Write two body paragraphs from the graphic organizer from the previous assignment.  Step 5: write a conclusion that answers the question “so what?”.  Step 6:  Take home the essay and type it up at home, check for spelling and grammatical errors.
B.   Instruction/Through—Students listen and follow along as the teacher goes through all the directions and asks students if they have any questions.  They also instruct the students if they have an issue with the score they received from their peer-reviewers to see the teacher and they will grade it.
C.   Guided practice/Through—Students observe the examples the teacher shows them and ask any question they may have about the assignment.
D.   Independent Practice/Through—Students begin working on their essays.  They start with their brief introduction, moving on to the two body paragraphs, and ending with the “so what?” conclusion.
E.   Closure—Students take home what they have on their essays and to finish writing them at home.  They are asked to please type them up.  They are due the next class period.

Day 5:
Cognitive: After writing their persuasive essay, students will peer-review their classmates completed essays to provide a concise understanding of others writing styles, techniques, and ideas. 
Writing Standards, 11-12 Grade, Production and Distribution of Writing:
5. Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience.
Student Activities—
Students handed in their essays the previous class.  Each student was given a random number to write instead of their name on their paper.  Peer-review: students peer-review another period’s papers using a set rubric.  They must list three reasons using the rubric to justify their score.  10 points are added to the averaged score just for writing the essay.
Formative and Summative:  progress monitoring while students are peer-reviewing.  Summative: grading based on a rubric once students have turned in their work.
Lesson Plan
Instructional strategies
A.   Anticipatory Set/Into—The teacher posts similar directions to the ones used during the previous peer-review session.  The same grade sheets are also used.  The grade sheet is broken into quadrants.  The top left quadrant includes a space to fill out the period number of the author as well as the author’s writing number on the left hand side.  The top right quadrant includes a place for the reviewer to fill in their own period number and writing number.  The bottom left quadrant is where reviewers write three points from the rubric that proves the score the reviewer’s score.  The bottom right quadrant is where the reviewer writes a note to the author explaining what they have done well and what they need to improve on.  Teacher instructs the students to pick up a grade sheet and a student’s paper that is not theirs or a friend’s to grade.  Step 1: Write the author's writing number and reviewer’s writing number in the appropriate spaces.  Step 2:  Read the paper, underline the thesis statement, underline the topic sentence for each body paragraph, and check the ATO.  Step 3: Using the rubric, score the paper.  Write three reasons using the rubric why the paper received that score.  Step 4:  Write a note to the author explaining what they did well and what they need to work on.  Step 5:  Stand up, wait for another student to stand-up, and switch papers with them.  Step 6: Repeat the process one more time with the new paper. 
B.   Instruction/Through—The teacher goes through all the directions with the students to insure they understand the directions. 
C.   Guided practice/Through—The teacher instructs the students to make sure that they are polite when leaving comments and to not leave any comments such as “bad writing” or “your handwriting sucks”.
D.   Independent Practice/Through—The teacher instructs students to come up and pick up a grade sheet and a paper.  Using the rubric, they begin peer-grading their classmates essays.  All students switch papers once so they each grade two papers and each paper has two grades.
E.   Closure—The teacher collects the papers and records the grades using the same procedure as before.  If the two scores are one point off or closer they are averaged.  Ten points is added to the averaged score for the total points earned by the essay.
F.    Beyond—All in-class essays from here on out will start with 45 minutes with the times slowly whittled down to 25 minutes to prep students for the written portion of the SAT test.
Student Activities
A.   Anticipatory Set/Into—Students listen and follow along as the teacher posts similar directions to the ones used during the previous peer-review session.  The same grade sheets are also used.  The grade sheet is broken into quadrants.  The top left quadrant includes a space to fill out the period number of the author as well as the author’s writing number on the left hand side.  The top right quadrant includes a place for the reviewer to fill in their own period number and writing number.  The bottom left quadrant is where reviewers write three points from the rubric that proves the score the reviewer’s score.  The bottom right quadrant is where the reviewer writes a note to the author explaining what they have done well and what they need to improve on.  Teacher instructs the students to pick up a grade sheet and a student’s paper that is not theirs or a friend’s to grade.  Step 1: Write the author's writing number and reviewer’s writing number in the appropriate spaces.  Step 2:  Read the paper, underline the thesis statement, underline the topic sentence for each body paragraph, and check the ATO.  Step 3: Using the rubric, score the paper.  Write three reasons using the rubric why the paper received that score.  Step 4:  Write a note to the author explaining what they did well and what they need to work on.  Step 5:  Stand up, wait for another student to stand-up, and switch papers with them.  Step 6: Repeat the process one more time with the new paper.
B.   Instruction/Through—Students follow along as the teacher goes through all the directions with the students to insure they understand the directions. 
C.   Guided practice/Through—Students listen as the teacher instructs the students to make sure that they are polite when leaving comments and to not leave any comments such as “bad writing” or “your handwriting sucks”.
D.   Independent Practice/Through—Students begin working on peer-reviewing.  Students to come up and pick up a grade sheet and a paper.  Using the rubric, they begin peer-grading their classmates essays.  All students switch papers once so they each grade two papers and each paper has two grades.
G.   Closure—Students hand in the papers so the teacher can record the grades using the same procedure as before.  If the two scores are one point off or closer they are averaged.  Ten points is added to the averaged score for the total points earned by the essay.
E.   Beyond—All in-class essays from here on out will start with 45 minutes with the times slowly whittled down to 25 minutes to prep students for the written portion of the SAT test.

Students will use the techniques in this unit throughout the school year.  They will continue to write persuasive essays on set topics.  They will also be given a time limit to mimic the SAT’s.  At first they will be given 45-50 minutes to write an essay.  Slowly, the time will be whittled away until they are writing an essay in 25 minutes.

Power point slides on next page.

Graphic Organizer—Students make their own graphic organizers, however they are given instructions on how to make them as demonstrated below.

Supporting Ideas for Thesis
Opposing Ideas to Thesis

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